Active Flag Committee
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Our Active Aims
The Active School Flag is a Department of Education and Skills initiative which recognises schools that strive to achieve a physically active school community.
We have worked on new and exciting ways to encourage all pupils to become more active. As a school, we will evaluate our current status as we strive to achieve our first flag this year!
The aim of our Active School is to encourage children to be more active, more often. It links in with all of the work we are doing throughout the year on healthy living – being active, getting exercise, taking care of our minds and bodies.
Chairperson: Ellie Nolan,
Vice Chairperson: Lucy Shanks
Secretary: Pia Kelly
Vice Secretary: Shonagh Vaughan and our three spokes people are Ella Cahill, Daria Radanovic and Zuzanna Pasek.
Teacher Co Coordinator: Sarah O’ Sullivan
These girls have been very busy already this year and have lots of ideas going forward in order to keep our school active! Well done!