Scoil Iósaf

(069) 62778

Numeracy and Literacy

Numeracy and Literacy

At Scoil Iósaf, we believe Mathematics is an important skill which equips children with an essential set of tools to succeed in the world. These are logical thinking, problem-solving and the ability to think in abstract ways.

We believe children learn better through fun, exciting and challenging Maths. We are committed to enabling all children to achieve mastery in the key concepts of Mathematics appropriate for their age group. Children who grasp concepts quickly are challenged through rich problems which deepen their thinking. Children who need more support will spend longer using a range of concrete and visual materials to ensure their understanding is secure. We use the National Curriculum as a basis for our Mathematics and we aim to have reasoning and problem solving as a thread which runs through all our Maths teaching. Also, through our Learning Challenge Curriculum, we aim to enhance children’s Mathematical understanding and experience further by tackling real-life problems and examples.

Teaching programmes in place to support excellence in Numeracy:

Mata sa Rang is an initiative that has been introduced in Scoil Iósaf to improve teaching and learning in Maths.

Mata sa Rang offers a unique approach to extending children’s number knowledge, understanding and strategies. This program provides a framework for individual, group or class-based instruction which is suitable for all children.

Mata sa Rang has been rolled out as part of the Dept. of Education’s initiatives to improve numeracy outcomes.

Team teaching involves a group of teachers working purposefully, regularly, and cooperatively to help a group of students of any age learn. Teachers together set goals, prepare individual lesson plans, teach students and evaluate the results.

Numeracy encompasses the ability to use mathematical understanding and skills to solve problems and meet the demands of day-to-day living in complex social settings. In Scoil Iósaf, we know how important problem-solving in mathematics is. We use the following strategies:
1. Rudes
2. Draw a diagram
3. Construct a model
4. Making a chart/table
5. Look for a pattern
6. Make a guess and test it
7. Break the problem down and solve each part
8. Writer a number sentence for the problem
9. Use appropriate equipment to solve a problem
10. Solve a simpler version of the problem.

The following sites have fun interesting maths for kids.

    This website contains free lesson plans, activity ideas and resources for primary teachers on all curricular areas, including numeracy
    A variety of interactive maths activities based on all strands are available on this website.
    This website aims to boost children’s math problem solving and critical­thinking skills and contains many interactive and non­interactive word problems for children to enjoy!
    This is an Irish website, developed by the National Council for Technology in Education. It is a portal site and enables users to search for resources according to class, subject and/or strand unit.
    This has a variety of Maths games and English games.

Achieving excellence in Literacy

Scoil Iosaf Staff, Parents and Management are committed to achieving excellence in the area of Literacy. We are committed to ensuring that the best resources, supports, teaching and learning practices are taking place in our classrooms, thus ensuring excellent outcomes for our children.

We create a happy and supportive environment where each child is supported to reach her full potential. We believe that Early Intervention is the key to successful reading and writing.

Teaching programmes in place to support excellence in literacy:

C.A.P.E.R. (children and Parents enjoying reading) Parents are central in the CAPER Shared Reading Program when children are in infants.

Reading Recovery is a highly effective short-term school intervention of one-to-one intensive individual lessons for children, designed to reduce literacy problems.

A Phonics approach to early reading development is implemented in infants, and Jolly Grammar follows in 1st & 2nd.

A Phonics approach to early reading development is implemented in infants, and Jolly Grammar follows in 1st & 2nd class.

Literacy Lift Off

Literacy Lift Off is classroom-based preventative intervention and an in-class literacy support. At Scoil Iosaf we are currently about to implement Literacy Lift-Off in the Senior Infant classroom.

Literacy Lift-Off is an adaptation of the well-known and very successful Reading Recovery programme. It is an intensive literacy programme delivered to pupils from Juniors to 2nd classes. It is implemented in blocks of 6/8weeks.

Diverse activities are essential for extending literacy processing power. Hence, the pupils work in ‘stations’ to carry out a number of activities in reading and writing, under the guidance of their teachers. During each Literacy Lift-Off session, children experience a number of activities:- Familiar Reading, Word Work, Writing, New Book, Listening etc.

This programme is very successful and beneficial to pupils of all reading abilities. Reading and Writing and strategies are taught to children in small groups each day. Learning to read and write in this way builds confidence quickly and fosters the habit of reading and writing for enjoyment.

The National Adult Literacy Agency has developed the website as part of the Department’s strategy to improve children’s literacy and numeracy skills. The website provides some suggestions for enjoyable activities in which parents and their children can engage. Information for parents about resources to support literacy and numeracy in Irish is available from COGG,