
During April we focused on doing Athletics with all pupils. Third class took advantage of the fine weather during and got out on the yard to participate in athletics. The emphasis is very much placed on fun and enjoyment and the children learn multiple techniques in a...

Third Class enjoy maths stations.

Once a week, third class are exposed to stations with the help of Mrs. Loughran. They experience mental maths, problem solving, computer games and card games. They have great fun, enjoy learning and trying new things in groups.

Scoil Iósaf’s Energy Tips

Our green schools committee are working extremely hard on their 7th Green Flag- Global Citizenship and Energy. Here is a list of energy tips they compiled to help save energy in our school and at home. Scoil Iósaf energy tips
New Green Schools Committee

New Green Schools Committee

Welcome back everybody! We have a new committee which comprises of: Sophie Byrnes and Lily Shepherd (6th Class), Ava Balfe and Goda Juycte(5th Class), Eve McAndrews and Ruby Carey (4th Class) and Leah O’Grady (3rd Class). We are currently very busy in preparing...